Sunday, February 22, 2015

Suffering with Hope

So, the message at church today was "How to suffer well!" That is not the real title but that was the message. To say that I needed this message is an understatement. I have been dealing with some physical pain and that pain has limited me in my work, hobbies, and really every area of my life. I have tried to be strong and to keep a smile on my face believing that that is how to "suffer well". In reality that is just fake and I don't do fake. We are not called to fake our way through the suffering.
Romans 8:28 Tells us that God will work all things together for good. (I have heard 2 sermons this week on this very verse) We have hope and Hope is the reason for the suffering. Hope is in charge; not pain, not loss, not sorrow. Hope! Hope is found in suffering. Romans 8:31 says "What shall we say to these things? If God is for us (and He is for us!) Than who can be against us? So, in physical, emotional suffering I will have Hope.